A Prayer for Maundy Thursday 2020
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
Today, we remember the night You washed the disciples’ feet and gave communion.
You served out of Your great love for us, not for show.
The writers of Scripture describe You pouring out Your whole life.
The bread breaks and cup overflows.
You wrapped your clothes, got on Your knees, and washed the feet of the disciples.
An act of grace that lives as a picture of Your call to serve each other.
Maundy Thursday brings us to the reality of the blessing of giving.
Loving our neighbors costs us something.
But every time we serve motivated by Your love, we live out Your teaching.
Our hearts change by serving to shine a light on our pride, greed, insecurity, bitterness, and resentment.
You replace those with love, grace, mercy, and gratitude.
Serving transforms the way we see others.
Servant leadership has become a buzzword in the marketplace and non-profit.
We discover in You someone who walked this walk, not just talked the talk.
In this crisis, we pray for our hearts to change to love each other as You did.
That we would pour our lives out for each other.
That we, too, would wash the feet of our neighbors in small and significant ways.
A life in response to the good news of the gospel gives generously.
Teach us to have faith to live this out.
Originally published at https://peterenglert.com on April 9, 2020.