A Prayer for the Real Work
In ages past, Your followers have committed to praying for leaders.
On this day, we commit to pray for President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.
May they sense the prayers of Your saints.
Guide them with wisdom and prudence in the days ahead.
We also pray for President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.
May Your Spirit be with them in the days ahead.
We ask You to heal this divided nation.
May the grace and truth of the gospel influence individuals and institutional change.
Empower the Church to rise up in this critical time to model a way forward.
Search our hearts and souls — Forgive us of any of our sins.
Lord, we pray for the real work ahead of us…
The real work of loving our neighbors.
The real work of blessing our enemies.
The real work of hearing the challenging truths.
The real work of listening before we speak.
The real work of humbling ourselves.
The real work of finding the common good.
The real work of serving our communities.
The real work of giving a voice to the voiceless.
The real work of welcoming those who feel disenfranchised.
The real work of living motivated by the gospel.
Reorient our hearts and souls to Your priorities.
Help us to listen to Your voice.
Teach us to re-engage Your Word.
We kneel before You as citizens of Your kingdom.
To the One who died to reconcile us to You and each other.
To the One who gives us new life through Your resurrection.
May You receive all glory and honor forever and ever.
Lead us to do the real work.
Originally published at https://peterenglert.com.