A Prayer for Transparency
Lord, we acknowledge that you see everything.
You know our motives.
You see our actions.
You perceive our every thought.
You hear each word coming from our mouths.
We confess that we have blind spots and biases.
They keep us from seeing the truth.
At times we ignore Scripture. Other times we ignore You speaking through other people.
We admit we do not see clearly.
Give us transparency.
First, guide us in transparency with You.
Let us see what you see in our requests to make sure they are of You.
Help us to listen and hear Your voice.
Secondly, guide us in transparency with others.
Lead us beyond controlling relationships and manipulating.
Let us seek the well being of those around us instead of our own gain.
Today, we ask You to give us clean hands and a pure heart.
Remind us of the Gospel — the Good News of Your death and resurrection.
We are more sinful and broken than we ever thought, but more loved by you than we can ever imagine.
Ultimately, You call us to live in the light — learn to see what You see.
So Lord, give us transparency.
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Originally published at peterenglert.com