What Closet Will You Clean
What tasks lie in front of you that no one wants to do?
Far too often, we confuse the ideas of waiting, patience, and faithfulness with passivity. You believe that God has plans for you. Between now and then, you feel stuck: stuck in a job, stuck in a life stage, stuck in a school, stuck in a location.
Maybe, you even have a healthy acceptance of waiting, but all too often you can find yourself passive in the in-between. Doing what you need to do, but afraid to take on the extra.
We can become so pre-occupied with the future that we miss the opportunities God has in front of us. Clay Scroggins in How To Lead When Your Not In Charge says this about rejecting passivity in waiting:
I believe a natural way to reject passivity is to focus on that closet. Choose a closet to clean. Find something that no one else wants to do and just handle it. Find that thing that is always brought up in a meeting but no one ever does anything about, and go find a solution for it or choose to own it in a way that great leader would.
The Gospel reminds us of our identity. We find ourselves in the Good News of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Our motivations become transformed to love other people and not to attach our significance in what we do. Therefore, we can clean closets and do the tasks no one else wants to do with a pure heart.
The audacity of cleaning a closet or doing what no one else will do reveals our faith in God. We know that He sees everything. We can trust His timing. We humbly acknowledge that we have more to learn in this season.
So, what closet will you clean today? Or what task will you tackle that no one wants to do?
Photo by Lauren Fleischmann
Originally published at .